De Luz Community
Services District
M-Th  7:30am - 5:00pm
Friday 7:30am - 4:00pm

De Luz CSD News

For the latest updates on news and events within De Luz Community Services District, please check this page frequently. Here we post all the most information regarding road closures, holiday office closures and all other items relevant to our community members.




The De Luz CSD Board of Directors has been making efforts to gain State and County support to enable the De Luz CSD to obtain Fuel Tax funds to maintain De Luz roads. This process has taken years due to many governmental obstacles that have stood in the way. These are the funds that everyone pays when purchasing gasoline and is collected for road maintenance purposes. Because De Luz roads are maintained by a CSD and not a city or county, the State does not share these maintenance dollars with De Luz. This is a unique situation where the County of Riverside created the public roads in De Luz, but California law does not allow sharing road maintenance with a CSD. Senator Melissa Melendez sponsored SB 415 to correct this oversight in the law but it was determined that the County of Riverside could amend the language in the 1978 documents which would make De Luz eligible for these funds. The estimated annual total of Fuel Tax funds is $ 1 million per year.

At a recent meeting of the state mandated Local Agency Formation Commission, it was unanimously agreed to a request by the De Luz CSD that the Board of Supervisors take the necessary steps to make De Luz eligible for Fuel Tax funds. President Byers and Treasurer D’Alessandri met with Riverside County Supervisor Kevin Jeffries who agreed to support this action and will make all necessary efforts to make this a reality.

For more information:



602 Letter

To protect your property from trespassers, the Sheriffs Department has a program where you can register your property annually. This will give Sheriff Deputies the authorization to remove or arrest trespassers. Complete, sign and return Form 602 to the sheriffs station (email, mail, or deliver). This will help the sheriff to effectively deal with a situation on your property at a time when you are not present.

For more information:


Board Meeting Video Recordings

Now Available On-Demand

We are pleased to announce that DLCSD now provides on-demand access to recordings of recent District meetings. Just visit our new page HERE to review past board meetings, engineering meetings, and other committee meetings.

Our videos are also available on our YouTube page, where you may subscribe and receive notifications when new videos are posted.

Mailbox Vandalism and Mail Theft

What to Do

Mailboxes are protected by Federal law, and crimes against them and the mail they contain are considered a federal offense. Violators can be fined up to $250,000, or face imprisonment up to three years, for each act of vandalism.

If you have information regarding mailbox vandalism, please contact the District Office immediately. Your cooperation helps apprehend violators.

Office Phone: 951-696-0060


Safety tips

Every day, the U.S. Postal Service delivers millions of checks, money orders, credit cards and merchandise. Unfortunately, such items are attractive to thieves. Here are some tips on how to protect your mail from thieves:

  • Don't let incoming or outgoing mail sit in your mailbox. You can significantly reduce the chance of being victimized by simply removing your mail from your mailbox every day.
  • Promptly remove mail from your mailbox after delivery, especially if you're expecting checks, credit cards, or other negotiable items. If you won't be home when the items are expected, ask a trusted neighbor to pick up your mail.
  • Just as you wouldn't leave the door to your home unlocked while you're away, you shouldn't let mail accumulate in your mailbox. Don't leave your mail unattended for extended periods. Have your post office hold your mail while you're away. You can do this online at
  • When expecting a package delivery, track the shipment at You can sign up for the email and text alerts at
  • If you don't receive a check or other valuable mail you're expecting, contact the issuing agency.
  • If you change your address, immediately notify your post office and anyone with whom you do business via mail.
  • Hand outgoing mail to your letter carrier, or mail it at the post office, an official USPS collection box on the street, or a secure receptacle at your place of business.
  • Never send cash or coins in the mail. Use checks or money orders. Ask your bank for "secure" checks that are more difficult to alter.
  • Consider starting a neighborhood watch program. By exchanging work and vacation schedules with trusted friends and neighbors, you can watch each other’s mailboxes (as well as homes).

RCWD Launches New Crop Conversion Program!

The District’s newly created CropSWAP program provides financial assistance for agriculture customers who convert high water use crops to lower water varieties. Qualifying applicants can receive assistance of up to $15,000 per acre converted.

For more information:


CHP Issuing Tickets in De Luz

DLCSD Newsletter

As part of the De Luz CSD's ongoing effort to reduce speeding and other traffic violations on Sandia Creek Drive and other heavily traveled District roads, DLCSD is currently contracting with the CHP to provide traffic patrols which are targeting morning and afternoon commutes through our community.

Since the start of the patrols in mid-August through October 14th, CHP officers have issued 270 citations. Most of the tickets issued are for speeding and stop sign violations.

Officer Ron Thatcher, who coordinates the CHP efforts, reports that he has received numerous contacts from residents expressing thanks for the increased patrols.

Road Condition Survey

DLCSD Newsletter

The DLCSD is working with Dynatest, Inc. to perform a comprehensive survey of the condition of all roadways in our maintenance system. This survey is part of the District's Pavement Management System.

As you may be aware, since the passage of Proposition 218 in 1996, the District has not had an increase in funding. This has resulted in an inflation related decrease of approximately one million dollars in purchasing power for roadway reconstruction and maintenance.

The purpose of a pavement management system is not only to evaluate the current condition of the roads but also to help establish the most cost effective methods to best maintain those roadways and to determining funds necessary to improve roads.

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